
女毕业生/我借款 | 贷款政策 | 电子邮件通知 | 食物和饮料 | E-ZBorrow and Interlibrary Loan (ILL) | 教员互借 | 罚款和图书丢失 | 贷款政策 | 丢失的物品 | 发布的政策 | 回忆 | 续签 | Requesting from Other Tri-Co Locations | 游客

在常规学期, 平日上午8点起,欢迎访客到推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜图书馆参观.m.-6 p.m., and at 凯纳迪库 on Saturdays from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 请直接与卡彭特和科利尔图书馆联系. For our most up-to-date hours, please check our 小时页面 在参观之前.

我们的首要任务是支持布林茅尔学院的学生社区, 教师, 教职员及校友/ 1. 图书馆的开放时间是 U.S. 联邦存款渠道. 图书馆 or 校园安全 staff may ask for an ID at any time.

The following people may borrow library materials:

  • Current Tri-co students, 教师, and staff: present a valid college ID card/收费 at the circulation desk.
  • Tri-co女毕业生/我: 向母校图书馆的图书管理员申请借阅卡.
  • 布林莫尔 教师 and staff spouses: obtain a borrowing card by filling out the Gym/图书馆 Application for Spouses and giving it to 人力资源.
  • 一些大学附属的学院 PALCI (EZ-Borrow) member institutions. This privilege may be renewed yearly with confirmation of 教师 status.


推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜图书馆很高兴为校友提供实物资料的借阅. 校友们也可以在活动期间到图书馆领取他们的借书证和资料 访问时间.

女毕业生/我 borrowing does not include access to most electronic resources, 包括电子书, 从校外, EZ-Borrow, 或生病. 女毕业生/我 have access to some library databases. 看到我们的 校友/i资源指南.



图书馆读者在借阅图书馆账户时应负责任地行事. 顾客应始终:

  • 按时归还材料(所有在发出账单后归还的物品将收取费用)
  • Keep borrowed items in good condition. Fines are assessed on damaged items.
  • Keep borrowed items in your own possession. Do not lend items you borrowed from the library to someone else, as you are still responsible for returning them on time.

读者必须出示有效的三学院身份证或黄布林莫尔借阅卡才能借阅图书馆资料或索取有关其帐户的信息. 持有其他三学院图书馆(斯沃斯莫尔或哈弗福德)访客卡的读者不得从推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜图书馆借阅资料. 相应的, 持有布林莫尔访客卡的读者不能从其他三学院图书馆借阅.


布林莫尔 College libraries send 所有 图书馆通知(逾期、召回、罚款、账单、保留和取消等).)通过电子邮件. 这些通知是寄给你的 Bryn Mawr的邮箱地址.

If you do not use your 布林莫尔 email, 您有责任将您的Bryn Mawr电子邮件帐户转发到您使用的地址. 您还负责在您的Bryn Mawr和任何其他电子邮件帐户上设置垃圾邮件过滤器,以允许来自库的消息. 

E-ZBorrow and Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Material not in 三脚架 may be borrowed from another library through E-ZBorrow或ILL

Do not remove yellow/white labels from books.


推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的教师在一些PALCI成员机构有借阅特权. 布林茅尔学院还向其他PALCI成员机构的教员提供互借特权. 有关参与院校名单及申请资料,请参阅 http://palci.org/services/reciprocal-on-site-borrowing-program/. 你需要有布林莫尔图书馆(或你所在机构)的图书管理员签署的授权表格。. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的教职工也可以 从宾夕法尼亚大学图书馆借阅


推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的在校生应该在盖特威的财务长办公室缴纳图书馆罚款, 周一至周五上午9点.m.-5 p.m.


图书馆罚款 教职员工,访客 & 女毕业生/校友 must be 支付 to the circulation desk. 借阅台只接受以布林茅尔学院为抬头的支票付款.

If you are mailing a payment, sent it to:

101 N. 梅里恩大街.
布林莫尔. PA 19010-2899


The library does not accept replacement books in lieu of fine payments.

The library charges the following 罚款 图书馆逾期资料*:

  • Reserve materials: $1 per hour or portion thereof
  • 回收材料:每天2美元
  • E-ZBorrow和ILL(从三学院以外借来的书):每天1美元

Items 返回 with damages are also subject to 罚款.

图书馆问题 账单 for items so long overdue they are assumed to be lost. 至少给你发了电子邮件 三张逾期通知书 before you are billed for an item.

借阅特权将会 阻塞 if:

  • Un支付 账单 exceed the 图书馆's set limit
  • You keep a 回忆 item past its new due date

​If your library record is 阻塞, you will be able to borrow materials again 当:

  • 宣传 书是 支付 或者 返回 去图书馆
  • 逾期 回忆 书是 返回 去图书馆

*请注意,哈弗福德和斯沃斯莫尔的一些物品可能会被罚款,而布林莫尔的同类物品则不会被罚款. You will be responsible for paying these 罚款.

你是不是因为某样你以为已经归还给图书馆的东西而收到了逾期通知? 请求搜索 -我们会查看,并在一周内回复我们的搜索结果. The item will remain checked out to you while we search.


Food is not 所有owed in the libraries. Beverages are 所有owed 只有 in covered containers or bottles.

请在里面慢慢享用 活力杯 在Canaday的A层.


For any questions about our lending policies, including what items you're able to request/borrow, 不错的收益, 截止日期, 请通过 circulation@3gdev.net. 我们很乐意帮忙!



  • 确保你在正确的库中查找(Canaday、Carpenter或Collier)。.
  • Check the to-be-shelved area: an item that was recently used might be there
  • Not sure how to find your way around the library? Ask for help at the circulation desk.
  • 需要帮助找到一个项目? 请求搜索 -- We will get back to you within one week. If we find the item, we will hold it for you.


请 只有 on the general-use bulletin board on the 1st floor facing the elevator, and in designated spaces within the Lusty Cup.  前门、窗户和前厅区域仅供图书馆信息使用.



  • Any 回忆 item must be promptly 返回, even if the borrower is using it to write a thesis. 保留超过新的到期日的被召回的资料会导致你的图书馆账户被封锁.
  • 当一个项目被召回时,将发出一个新的召回截止日期,允许第一个用户 五天 看完这本书. 如果一本书已经过期了, no additional time will be granted and the book will be due immediately.
  • 如果你离开布林茅尔地区,你仍然有责任按时归还被召回的书.  If you travel with library materials, 留意召回通知,并准备将召回的物品邮寄给图书馆. 如果你没有电子邮件,旅行时不要把图书馆的资料放在你的账户上.
  • Books needed for reserve and overdue 书是 subject to immediate rec所有. 
  • If a book is 回忆 from you and you still need it, try E-ZBorrow或ILL.


You can renew most library items by 查阅你的图书馆纪录 and following the on-screen directions. 

EZBorrow books cannot be renewed.

ILL items may be renewed through the following steps: 

  1. 登录到 您的账户
  2. Click on the "Checked Out/Renew Items" in the "View" menu. 
  3. 点击你想续借的书旁边的“交易”栏中的数字. 
  4. Click on the "Renew Request" link above the information for the book. 如果“续借请求”链接不存在,则借阅图书馆不允许续借. Click the "Clone Request" link instead to resubmit the request, and we will obtain the book from another library if possible.

Requesting from Haverford and Swarthmore Libraries

现在是布林莫尔的学生, 教职员工可以亲自到哈弗福德和斯沃斯莫尔学院图书馆借书, or request items to be sent to Bryn Mawr. Use the "Request Item" function in 三脚架 to get items from these libraries. 需要的物品可在24小时内到借阅处领取.


“论文状态”自动发给所有推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的大四学生和研究生.  这意味着所有定期流通的三学院图书将在学期结束时到期.

Thesis Status does not apply to:

  • Rev所有s: any 回忆 book must be promptly 返回, even if the borrower is using it to write a thesis
  • 视频和dvd.
  • 结合期刊
  • i和e - z借书
  • 笔记本电脑
  • Any other short-term loan materials not individu所有y listed





  • 借材料
  • 从图书馆打印机打印
  • Access electronic resources 从校外

游客只能在Canaday图书馆的观看室观看视频和dvd. 游客 may not take these items out of the library. 如果感兴趣, 请到借阅处签署借阅协议,领取借阅室钥匙和耳机, 如果有必要的话. 请电子邮件 circulation@3gdev.net or c所有 the circulation desk at 610-526-5276 with any questions.







图书馆 and 资讯科技服务

