
这是进入卫生行业的一个激动人心的时刻. 社会的变化产生了对具有深厚自然背景的卫生专业人员的需求, 行为, 社会科学和人文科学.

在过去的几年里, 美国医学院协会(AAMC)和霍华德休斯医学研究所(HHMI)一直在审查医学预科培训所需的框架,以及医学院和实践所需的终身培训. 他们发布了一份报告, 未来医生的科学基础,概述了医学预科学生应该掌握的科学和定量能力,以及一份配套报告, 未来医生的行为和社会科学基础,“这表明医学预科学生和医学生需要这些学科的概念框架,以便了解健康的社会经济和文化决定因素,并解决医疗保健差距.

根据几个咨询小组的广泛研究, AAMC的学生事务小组和招生委员会认可了进入医学院的15项核心能力.  正如AAMC对能力的定义, 它是一种“结合了知识的可观察行为”, 技能, 值, 以及与特定活动相关的态度.尽管这15项能力是由医学教育者制定的, 它与所有卫生专业相关. 


  • 参观 对象为网站 检讨胜任能力清单.
  • 回顾AAMC的自我评估指南, 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》.   
  • 我们敦促学生在选择课程时考虑这些能力, 潜在的体验式学习经验, 社区服务, 在研究和临床护理方面提供与健康有关的服务.  学生可以与卫生专业顾问会面,反思他们通过这些活动正在培养的能力.  
  • 卫生专业顾问可以帮助学生准备一个文件夹,以跟踪和反思他们的进步,并开始以在申请卫生专业学校时有用的方式构建这些信息.   

入选医学院学生的15项核心能力已被AAMC学生事务小组(GSA)招生委员会(COA)认可 在这里:

在进行职前培训能力 (结合人际能力和个人能力):

  • Service Orientation: Demonstrates a desire to help 其他人 and sensitivity to 其他人’ needs and 感情; demonstrates a desire to alleviate 其他人’ distress; recognizes and acts on his/her responsibilities to society; locally, 在全国范围内, 和全球.
  • 社交技巧:表现出对他人需求的了解, 目标, 感情, and the ways that social and 行为 cues affect peoples’ interactions and behaviors; adjusts behaviors appropriately in response to these cues; treats 其他人 with respect.
  • Cultural Competence: Demonstrates knowledge of 社会文化 factors that affect interactions and behaviors; shows an appreciation and respect for multiple dimensions of diversity; recognizes and acts on the obligation to inform one’s own judgment; engages diverse and competing perspectives as a resource for learning, 公民身份, and work; recognizes and appropriately addresses bias in themselves and 其他人; interacts effectively with people from diverse backgrounds.
  • Teamwork: Works collaboratively with 其他人 to achieve shared 目标; shares information and knowledge with 其他人 and provides feedback; puts team 目标 ahead of individual 目标.
  • Oral Communication: Effectively conveys information to 其他人 using spoken words and sentences; listens effectively; recognizes potential communication barriers and adjusts approach or clarifies information as needed.
  • Ethical Responsibility to Self and Others: Behaves in an honest and ethical manner; cultivates personal and academic integrity; ad在这里s to ethical principles and follows rules and procedures; resists peer pressure to engage in unethical behavior and encourages 其他人 to behave in honest and ethical ways; develops and demonstrates ethical and moral reasoning.
  • Reliability and Dependability: Consistently fulfills obligations in a timely and satisfactory manner; takes responsibility for personal actions and performance.
  • Resilience and Adaptability: Demonstrates tolerance of stressful or changing environments or situations and adapts effectively to them; is persistent, even under difficult situations; recovers from setbacks.
  • Capacity for Improvement: Sets 目标 for continuous improvement and for learning new concepts and 技能; engages in reflective practice for improvement; solicits and responds appropriately to feedback.


  • 批判性思维:使用逻辑和推理来识别替代解决方案的优缺点, 结论, 或者解决问题的方法.
  • 定量推理:运用定量推理和适当的数学来描述或解释自然界的现象.
  • 科学探究:运用科学过程的知识来整合和综合信息, solve problems and formulate research questions and hypotheses; is facile in the language of the sciences and uses it to participate in the discourse of science and explain how scientific knowledge is discovered and validated.
  • 书面沟通:使用书面文字和句子有效地向他人传达信息.


  • 生命系统:应用自然科学的知识和技能来解决与分子和宏观系统相关的问题,包括生物分子, 分子, 细胞, 和器官.
  • 人类行为:运用自我知识, 其他人, 与社会制度解决的心理问题有关, 社会文化, 以及影响健康和幸福的生物因素.



全年开放,周一至周五上午9点.m.-5 p.m.